Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nasal Delivery Technology for Premature Ejaculation

Nasal Technology has come to the forefront in recent years and has been used for more than just allergies and nasal congestion as was its original use. We now have nasal spray flu vaccines, asthma medication, many children’s vaccines and much more.

The most recent use of the nasal delivery technology is a nasal spray to help cure Premature Ejaculation (PE). This new advent has made men around the world stand up and take notice as nearly 80% of men experience premature ejaculation at one stage or another in their lives.

Using Nasal Delivery for such a treatment is very convenient and fast acting. Simply spray and away you go! No more taking pills 1 hour before sex and ensuring that you have an empty stomach so that the medication will have the best effect possible.

This new treatment is revolutionary and was developed and patented by AMI Australia (Advanced Medical Institute). Since its inception the Doctors at AMI have also developed a nasal spray to cure Erectile Dysfunction giving even more sexually dysfunctional men a renewed sex life.

The man behind AMI, Dr Jack Vaisman, the Sydney entrepreneur often dismissed as a shonky operator, told The Sunday Telegraph that he had "successfully treated'' more than 300,000 Australian men for impotence and premature ejaculation.

The medico shrugged off recent court findings that his company had engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct.

Speaking at the Botany Rd headquarters of his company, Advanced Medical Institute, Dr Vaisman accused big pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer and Bayer, of trying to destroy him and his Nasal Delivery Technology.

Advanced Medical Institutes Nasal Delivery Technology can be obtained by booking a Doctors appointment at one of there local clinics. Appointment’s can be made in Australia by calling 1300 134 476.

AMI’s Nasal Delivery Technology is available in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Indonesia and China.